Honors Biology (Bio Sci H93-H94-H97 and if offered Bio Sci H98-H99)
Taken both first year and second year
Honors Biological Sciences majors are required to complete Honors versions of all Biological Sciences Core classes when offered. These classes will count toward both major requirements and Honors requirements.
These Honors Biological Sciences Core courses are specially designed for Honors Biological Sciences majors. They cover similar topics as the non-honors versions, but offer smaller class sizes, provide opportunities for increased interaction with faculty, and cover material in greater depth.
BIO SCI H93. Honors From DNA to Organisms. 4 Units. Fall.
Cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, and the biology or organ systems. Covers concepts of building blocks (nucleotides, amino acids, and cells) and of information flow (DNA to proteins, receptors to nuclei, the blood to distant organs, and DNA to offspring).
BIO SCI H94. Honors From Organisms to Ecosystems. 4 Units. Winter.
Patterns of diversity, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Emphasis is on the Tree of Life and how its members are distributed and interact.
BIO SCI H97. Honors Genetics. 4 Units. Fall.
Introduction to genetics. Basic features of replication and expression of DNA, cell division, and gene transmission. Recombination and mutation in diploid organisms.
Enrollment notes
- Who should enroll: All CHC Biological Sciences first years and second years
- 4 units each quarter
- Must be taken in order
- 5 quarter sequence:
- First Year
- Fall: Bio Sci H93
- Winter: Bio Sci H94
- Second Year
- Fall: Bio Sci H97
- Winter: Bio Sci H98 if offered. If not, complete Bio Sci 98
- Spring: Bio Sci H99 if offered. If not, complete Bio Sci 99
- First Year