Sustainable Societies








Sustainable Societies Track is offered as UniStu H30A, H30B-C, H30D, and H30E-F

Sustainable Societies is an honors curricular track where students will explore the features that impact the success and longevity of societies.

Taught by teams of top faculty from a wide range of disciplines including Environmental Science, Urban Planning, and Health Science, this track is focused on problem-based learning. Students will work together to tackle complex, real-world problems and develop solutions through team and research projects. The experiential and research activities provided by the track will help prepare students for their senior-year honors thesis projects.

The Sustainable Societies track is open to all majors and consists of six sequential courses (one per quarter, 4 units per quarter) to be taken in the sophomore and junior years.

UNI STU H30A. Critical Analysis of Health Science Literature. 4 Units.

Focuses on evaluation of scientific literature. Aspects of scientific inquiry include scientific method, scientific research design, statistical analysis, and publication processes. Addresses why scientific inquiry cannot be separated from sociocultural influences and concerns. Examples drawn from research on health-related issues.

UNI STU H30B. Environmental Issues Affecting the Sustainability of Societies I. 4 Units.

Focuses on several environmental challenges facing the world today, and explores the problem, possible solutions, and their scientific, technical, and social constraints. Models for systems, their assumptions, predictive uncertainty, and interpretation, play a large role.

UNI STU H30C. Environmental Issues Affecting the Sustainability of Societies II. 4 Units.

Focuses on how we can use Earth’s resources, e.g., food and water, in a more sustainable way, exploring their scientific, technical, and social constraints.

UNI STU H30D. Social Science Perspectives on the Sustainability of Societies. 4 Units.

Introduces the perspectives of social science using examples from different countries to explore how social issues regarding sustainability are influenced by a society’s changing economic and political institutions, and how economic, political, and other social choices affect their sustainability.

UNI STU H30E. Cities: Focal Point for Sustainability Problems and Solutions I. 4 Units.

Explores the nature of cities, focusing on the challenges facing cities today, their possible solutions, and the technical and social constraints on those solutions.

UNI STU H30F. Cities: Focal Point for Sustainability Problems and Solutions II. 4 Units.

Explores the nature of cities, focusing on the challenges facing cities today, their possible solutions, and the technical and social constraints on those solutions.

Enrollment notes
  • Who should enroll: Current Campuswide Honors sophomores and juniors on the Sustainable Societies Track
  • Students majoring in Public Health, Environmental Science and Policy, or Urban Studies are required to take Sustainable Societies
  • CHC students of all majors are able to enroll in and succeed in this class
  • Six quarter sequence
  • 4 units each quarter
  • Make sure to enroll in lecture/seminar, and a discussion/lab if it is offered.

Click here to view topics and posters from the 2021 cohort.