Spring 2023: CHC Camping, Battle of the Brains and More!

three honors student volunteers stand smiling, the middle one zotting. All are wearing blue CHC shirts
four male honors students sit at a table for annual trivia competition
four honors students dressed in business casual sit around a table with their presentation showing on the monitor behind them
9 honors students pose with their blue honors coords and get into two rows to take a photo in front of a matching blue curtain

CHC students had a busy quarter, starting with welcoming prospective honors students at Celebrate Honors 2023. On Saturday, April 22, 2023, UCI opened the campus to thousands of of potential anteaters. Campuswide Honors held our own celebration with chats over refreshments and two information sessions with faculty and student panels.








Spring quarter moves quick and it’s important to take the time to relax and make lasting memories with the honors community. The best way to do that is the annual Spring CHCamping Trip! This year, students and staff stayed at the beautiful San Clemente State Beach. Here, honors students and staff set up their tents, hiked along flowering trails, and enjoyed Dean Wright’s famous scrambled eggs the next morning.







After an intense and intellectual back-and-forth between students and alumni/faculty, the honors students WIN the 2023 Battle of the Brains! This is the first time in almost 10 years that students have won the Battle of the Brains. Can Team Faculty/Alumni take back their title next year?











CHC students presented their capstone projects to conclude 6 quarter of the Sustainable Societies track. These students researched topics ranging from food insecurity to water sourcing to improving transportation systems and presented them at the 2023 Sustainable Societies Symposium.










The CHC closed out the 2022-2023 school year with the annual Senior Banquet. Here, seniors received their blue honors cord from Dean Wright, signifying they’ve successfully completed the Campuswide Honors curriculum. Please join us in welcoming the Class of 2023 to the CHC alumni family!