Appendix B

Suggested CHP Research/Thesis/Graduation Timeline

Junior Year

Fall Quarter

  • Meet with an Honors Advisor for your MANDATORY Research/Thesis meeting
  • Verify that all CHP graduation requirements will be completed by time of graduation; update course plan if necessary
  • Review the CHP Research/Thesis Handbook online (
  • Start coursework for upper-division school/major honors programs (Humanities, Psychology)
  • Brainstorm for a thesis topic (Talk to faculty in office hours, read scholarly articles, etc.)

Winter Quarter

  • Review Degree Audit; Meet with counselor in academic unit for a degree check
  • Attend Career Center workshops/presentations (including Career Fest)
  • Identify a faculty mentor (Read up on previous faculty research projects, follow up in office hours)

Spring Quarter

  • Apply for admission to upper-division, major-specific honors programs (Physics, Earth System Science, ICS, Social Ecology, Economics)
  • Apply for a Spring UROP grant and/or the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
  • Attend the annual UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium in May to listen, watch, & learn
  • Start working on research, if ready to do so
  • Apply for a summer internship, if interested

Summer Before Senior Year

  • Work on graduate/professional school & prestigious scholarship applications (where appropriate)
  • Update resume/Curriculum Vitae(CV)
  • Start working on research, if ready to do so
  • Watch for senior information flyer in CHP August mailing, read carefully, and mark calendar
  • Internship, if appropriate

Senior Year

Fall Quarter

  • Submit honors thesis proposal and copy of updated resume/CV no later than the end of the 2nd week of fall quarter
  • Apply for a UROP Research grant, as appropriate
  • Work on graduate/professional school and/or scholarship applications
  • Attend Career Center workshops/presentations for resume/interview advice
  • Begin research work (if not already started)
  • Attend instructional workshops for Excellence in Research, as appropriate (Biological Sciences)
  • Apply for graduation online at AFTER registering for winter quarter classes.
    • For a spring graduation, all school deadlines occur during winter quarter, but they vary. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR SCHOOL(S) DEADLINE(S)! Failure to meet them could affect your date of graduation, eligibility for Latin honors, etc. School deadlines are listed on the graduation application website as well as on each school’s website.

Winter Quarter

  • Attend Career Center workshops/presentations; take advantage of on-campus job interviews
  • Continue/finish research
  • Attend the UCI Grad Expo
  • Watch for email to CHP seniors in March; read it carefully, and enter events/deadline on calendar
  • Be aware that review of student records for Latin Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, and most school awards occurs at the end of winter quarter

Spring Quarter

  • Finish research and write up final honors thesis
  • Submit abstract to UROP Office for the annual UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium (April)
  • Present in-progress or finished research at UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium (May)
  • Submit all final paperwork to the CHP Office no later than last working day in June
    • Final paperwork must include a hard copy of your final approved thesis & abstract and the signed thesis approval form (these need to be submitted in a protective cover or you pay $1). Also need an electronic copy of the thesis and abstract, and you must complete the online CHP Exit Interview and Research Survey.


  • This timeline assumes a June graduation; if you are graduating at the end of a different quarter, some deadlines may shift; make sure you know what applies to you.
  • We encourage you to begin research as early as possible. Major-specific honors program may begin at different times, and some require applications or course work before/during junior year. PLAN AHEAD!! How early to start is often a matter of judgment, determined not only by deadlines, but also by the readiness of each student, and the availability of an appropriate faculty advisor.
  • If you need an extension to any deadline stated above, see an Honors Advisor immediately. Whenever differences exist, school/major-specific honors program deadlines, procedures and requirements supersede the ones listed above. It is yourresponsibility to identify and clarify any differences.
