CHC Students are Honored!
The end of the school year is an exciting time when we enjoy celebrating the many achievements of our new graduates, including special awards. The CHC is proud to congratulate the following honorees from our community:
CHC Banquet Awards
- Natalie Hannah (‘22), a double major in Dance and Public Health Policy, received the Sircello Award which is given to a graduating senior, recognizing the student’s commitment to, and demonstration of, “excellence and breadth of scholarship” in various fields.
- Maria Sophia Donaire (‘22) a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major who participated in 3 UROP projects, was widely involved on campus, and creates multimodal artwork received the McWilliams Award which is given to a student who demonstrates excellence in a number of fields, and a curiosity that drives them to explore and develop skills in many different areas.
- Dieu-Thanh Le (‘22), NAR Co-Editor, received the Tiffany Yu Award, which is presented to a graduating senior who has significantly contributed to the Campuswide Honors Student Council over their time at UCI.
- Nellie Ansley Reeves CHC Thesis Awards are given to graduating CHC seniors for outstanding Honors Theses. The 2022 winners include:
- Wesley Vu (‘22) for the thesis, “Drug-like sphingolipid SH-BC-893 inhibits cell-cell fusion mediated by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein” with Professor Aimee Edinger in the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology
- Michelle Wei (‘22) for the thesis, “The Conundrum of Identity: First-Generation Taiwanese American Identity Formation” with Professor Judy Tzu-Chun Wu of Asian American Studies and Professor Jeanett Castellanos of Social Sciences
- Miranda McCormick (‘22) for the thesis, “Analyzing Planned Parenthood’s Use of Litigation as an Organizational Tool” with Professor Hillary L. Berk in the Department of Criminology, Law & Society
- Erika Moe (‘22) for the thesis, “Green Space and COVID-19: How Does this COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Outdoor Appreciation and Coping?” with Professor Miryha Runnerstrom in the Program in Public Health
- Transfer Student Excellence Award recognizes excellence in academic achievement and engagement in the CHC and at UCI during transfer students’ short time at the university. The 2022 winners include:
- Marie Lassaigne (‘22), Psychological Science major, CHSC committee member, and volunteer at an off campus pediatric center.
- Brea Browne (‘22), Philosophy major with a Specialization in Law & Society, CHC Peer Mentor, and CHC Ambassador.
Prestigious Scholarships
- Catthi Ly (‘21) received the Gates/Cambridge Scholarship, which offers funds to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Read a feature on Catthi here.
- Elizabeth Montoya (‘22) received a Fulbright award to study abroad in London. Read a feature on Elizabeth here.
- Michelle Wei (‘22) was a finalist for the California Capital Fellows Program, which places participants at some of the highest levels of California state government to assist with a broad range of public policy issues and projects. Read a feature on Michelle here.
- Sauntharya Manikandan (‘21) was a finalist for the California Capital Fellows Program and the Carnegie Fellowship, which provides philanthropic support for scholarship in the humanities and social sciences that addresses important and enduring issues confronting our society. Read a feature on Sauntharya here.
Chancellor’s Award of Distinction recognizes an exceptional group of graduating students who exhibit a commitment to cutting-edge research, leadership, or service to UCI.
- Caroline Cha (‘22), School of Social Ecology
- David Csuka (‘22), School of Biological Sciences
- Quynh Theresa Do (‘22), School of Biological Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, and School of Social Ecology
- Faraz Fardi (‘22), Program in Public Health
- Edith Garcia (‘22), School of Social Ecology and School of Social Sciences
- Hazal Gurcan (‘22), Claire Trevor School of the Arts and School of Social Ecology
- Christina Han (‘22), School of Education and School of Humanities
- Leah Jackson (‘22), Claire Trevor School of the Arts
- Elizabeth Montoya (‘22), School of Biological Sciences and School of Social Sciences
- Josue Ruedas (‘22), School of Social Sciences
- Wesley Vu (‘22), School of Biological Sciences
- Michelle Wei (‘22), School of Education and School of Social Sciences
- Learn more about the award and this year’s winners here.
Other Campus Awards:
- Chloe Shin (‘22) received the Dynamic Womnxn Academic Achievement Award, which honors UCI community members who have contributed academic research/theory that advances knowledge, narratives and/or pedagogy that elevate womxn’s and BIWOC issues in their field. Read more about Chloe and other award winners here.