Campuswide Honors Alumni Chapter board

Greetings fellow Honors alumni,

The goal of the Campuswide Honors Alumni Chapter board is and has been to connect our alumni and support the CHC students.  Throughout the pandemic, we have been working especially hard to realize these goals in a remote environment.  You can read more about our efforts in our recent newsletter.

As we move forward into the summer and fall, we are excited to expand our board and our programming efforts to include alumni outside of the Southern California region.  No matter where you live, you can reconnect with and make a positive impact on your honors community by participating in the Campuswide Honors Alumni Chapter board.  You do not have to be a board officer to be involved.  You can volunteer at an event, mentor a student, serve on a panel of alumni and more by indicating your interest at

In particular, I invite you to attend our July meeting on Thursday, July 9 at 6:00 p.m. PST via Zoom.  At this meeting, we will be welcoming our new board officers and finalizing the details of our August family-friendly virtual game night, scheduled for Saturday, August 8.  

To the class of 2020, welcome to the family of Campuswide Honors alumni.  Congratulations on your accomplishments!  To our entire alumni family, stay well, stay safe, and stay connected.

Yours sincerely,

Christina Treble, CHAA Staff Liaison