UCI Alumni Association
The UCI Alumni Association (UCIAA) was founded in 1968 as a separately incorporated nonprofit organization to advance and assist the interests of UCI and its graduates. The Association assists in recruitment and recognition of students and alumni, provides financial and moral support to the university, and disseminates information about the university and its objectives. Through its various chapters and in corporation with other campus organizations, the association seeks to provide alumni with a lasting bond to the university. Membership in the UCI Alumni Association provides valuable benefits and services to all members. For further details about the benefits of membership and how to join, see their website at www.alumni.uci.edu. The phone number for the UCI Alumni Association is (949) UCI-ALUM (824-2586). We encourage graduates to consider purchasing the lifetime membership, because it is a great way of staying in touch with and informed about their alma mater. The UCI Division of Career Pathways offers services to UCI Alumni, which include individual career counseling, workshops, career assessment, career library materials, and career fairs. Learn more about these services and the length of time when services are provided post graduation at https://career.uci.edu/alumni/services-for-alumni/.

Campuswide Honors Alumni Chapter
The Campuswide Honors Alumni chapter is a recognized chapter of the UCI AA. According to the chapter bylaws, all students who participated in honors, even if they were unable to complete the honors graduation requirements, may join this chapter. Campuswide Honors maintains updated contact information on our alumni, and sends out occasional email messages about current events. In addition, we send a semi-annual newsletter via email. We also publish electronic newsletters on our website. We routinely ask for updates in all of these contacts, because we want to know how our alums are doing, both professionally and personally. Updates may be submitted online at https://honors.uci.edu/alumni/update-your-contact-information/. Alumni who wish to make a donation to support the activities and development of Campuswide Honors may do so online at https://honors.uci.edu/ways-to-give/. Many honors alumni have enjoyed attending coffee hours, special faculty lectures, and Battle of the Brains). Our honors alumni are always welcome.

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